We hear a lot about cannabis products as they become legal in various countries. Since 2013, many countries in Europe have legalized some form of cannabis (marijuana) use, especially cannabis-based medication. Subsequently, other countries permitted the use of personal amounts of cannabis for leisure. Although cannabis experiences greater growth in the European market, the progression to decriminalize and regulate marijuana use should be seriously reviewed. 

There are two prime compounds (or cannabinoids) of marijuana: THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). THC is the chemical that causes the psychoactive effect. it gives you a euphoric feeling: that many users seek from marijuana. Commonly, THC binds with brain receptors that control pain and the emotional state of a person.  

Though CBD has no psychoactive effect like THC it may offer medicinal value. People take products with CBD to help with diseases like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, and diabetes. Some claim it helps with anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain but, we should research further to support that CBD helps with any of these. 

How to approach cannabis-infused drinks 

There are various ways to get cannabis into your drinks. Whichever you choose, you must decarboxylate (decarb) because the significant compounds in marijuana only become active with heat: which is why smoking marijuana is very effective. Decarboxylation is easy and can be done at home. How to decarboxylate marijuana in the oven; 

  • Start by splitting the cannabis into small pieces. Then spread the cannabis onto parchment paper over the baking tray. 
  • Preheat the oven to around 240F: the optimal temperature for decarboxylation to occur: before placing your baking tray of cannabis into it.  
  • After preheating the oven, place your tray of cannabis in there. To accomplish maximum cannabis decarboxylation, you need to heat it until the bubbling stops. Leave it in there for about an hour to produce the best results. Keep an eye on it and give a stir every ten minutes. Cannabis that has a higher moisture content may take longer but, do not increase the temperature beyond 240F. 
  • Remove the cannabis from the oven and let it cool. It should be dry and have quite a crumbly texture. You will notice that the color changes to a medium brown. Once it cools you can grind it to smaller bits to use easily in cooking. Then store in it an airtight container use it appropriately. 

Before mixing up a cannabis infusion, we should look into a few issues. A set back with consuming cannabis is that there are many variables involved, for instance, your body, the strain of marijuana, and the influence of the infusion itself. One is not certain how a particular cannabis-infused drink will affect them. Start with a cup of infusion having a low dose of marijuana. 

The fickleness of consuming cannabis drinks demands these precautions: 

  • When you start to experiment, do so in a safe environment like your home in case you overdo it. Also, do not drive, it is illegal and you will be charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI/DUI). 
  • Start with non-alcoholic drinks, for instance, homemade cannabis milkshakes or cannabis-infused protein shakes, and small dosages of cannabis-infused fixings such as tinctures and syrups. 
  • Just like food, your stomach has to absorb the cannabis composites. So, do not assume that you can have a second drink after 15 or so. 
  • Limit the number of cannabis drinks you have daily. Have a single infused drink each night. 

A simple trick in case you overdo it on cannabis drinks. If you find yourself overwhelmed and the high is too much to handle, sip on a drink of fresh lemon juice and chew on some peppercorns or cloves. It is good to have these tools close. They come in handy. 


Cannabis drinks can be used for medicinal benefits but not the new mode to get high.   

If you start to experiment with cannabis concoctions, use a supported recipe like those in books. Do not stray from the formula or overpower any ingredient until you are sure of its effects on you click for reviews